Monday, November 15, 2010
Designing parent interaction into the 1:1 learning environment
The first discussion area should be quite easy to design. This may be a simple discussion area on the home page of the teacher's classroom website. The design of this discussion area will depend on the privacy required in this discussion space.
The second discussion area is not so easy to design. The reason is the privacy required for each parent to discuss items about their child with the teacher. This cannot be a discussion area open to the public or groups of people. It must be private to only the parent of the student and the teacher. I will look into how permission settings will allow for this to happen. It may be that each parent will require a discussion forum to be individually setup. The important issue here is the privacy necessary and taking the steps to make sure privacy is designed into this discussion space.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
OT: Sitting Posture
It is important to raise the awareness of using proper posture and taking regular “microbreaks” when using netbooks because the design of netbooks create great challenge to modify and construct good ergonomic work environment.
The design of netbooks violates basic ergonomic design requirements as the screen and keyboard are connected as one unit and cannot be positioned independently for appropriate viewing and typing. With this fixed design, if the keyboard is in an optimal position for the user, the screen is not; and if the screen is optimal, the keyboard is not going to be placed properly for typing. Paying attention to posture and taking regular breaks can reduce strain on muscles and joints, and prevent injuries related to computer use.
During my initial observation in the classroom, the students were working on an activity that required them to use the netbook to find answers for questions listed on the worksheet. I noticed some common problems related to how they position their textbook/worksheet and the netbook.
1. Worksheet in front and netbook further away:
With the netbook and screen positioned further away, student (e.g. the boy in this picture) did not need to bend his neck down to look at the screen, which helped reduce the strain on the neck. However, the keyboard was also further away from him and he had to reach for the keyboard when typing. Reaching with arms fully extended for a long period of time puts lots of work on the arm and shoulder muscles. Also, students who are smaller in size tended to sit on the edge of the chair when reaching for the keyboard, and this position created lots of pressure on the student’s lower back.
2. Netbook in front, and worksheet on the side
In this picture, the 2 girls had their worksheet on the side next to their netbooks. This position creates lots of problems: they were bending and turning their necks at the same time when they read the worksheet. When typing, their arms are tight against their bodies with wrists and shoulders rotated toward the centre of their bodies, which created a tight and closed upper body position.
3. Chair without back support
The students in these 2 pictures started with pretty nice sitting posture. Those chairs, however, were too high for them and without the proper back support, they could only keep the nice posture for a few minutes before they started slouching. Typing in this position put lots of pressure on the wrists and shoulders.
1. It was suggested to the students that they can set the worksheet / textbook upright to avoid bending of their necks. Depending on the situations, students were reminded that they should position the one (netbook or worksheet) that they spend more time looking at directly in front of them.
2. Handouts were given to students:
Tips for using Netbook
The NetBook
- If you mainly work on the Netbook, position it Directly In Front of you
- Set the Netbook’s height that you can read off the screen easily without bending your neck
- Comfortable and/or adjustable chair with back support
- The back of your chair should support the curve in your lower back
- Your feet should be supported on the floor or on a footstep
- Chair should support thighs to approx. 2’ before your knees
- knees at about the same level as the hips
- Hips, knees, and ankles at 90°
- Shoulders should be in a relaxed position
- Arms at your side but not crowed against your body
- Elbows at a 90° position when typing
- Try to avoid glare – glare make your eyes work harder
- Make sure the surface of the viewing screen is clean
- Give your eyes frequent breaks
- Remember to blink regularly to reduce dry eyes
*** Take Mirco-breaks ***
• Allow your muscle to relax and recover from repetitive movements and static rigid postures
• Take one every 30-45mins
• The break doesn’t have to be a long break – a couple minutes will help
• Stand up and stretch
• Adjust your chair and posture
• If possible try to alternate your computer work with other tasks
Stretching Exercise:
Eye Exercises and Stretches
Eye Comfort Exercises
A. Blinking (produces tears to help moisten and lubricate the eyes)
B. Blink your eyes – do this for 30-40 seconds
Eye Movements
A. close eyes --> slowly and gently move eyes up to the ceiling, then slowly down to the floor; repeat 3 times
B. close eyes --> slowly and gently move eyes to the left, then slowly to the right; repeat 3 times
Exercise for Neck
1. Rotate your head in clockwise direction, hold at ends.
2. Repeat this in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions, for around 10-15 times.
Sidebend: Neck Stretch
A. Tilt head to one side (ear towards shoulder)
B. Hold for 15 seconds
C. Relax!!
D. Repeat 3 times on each side
Diagonal Neck Stretch
A. Turn head slightly and then look down as if looking in your pocket
B. Hold for 15 seconds
C. Relax!!
D. Repeat 3 times on each side
Exercise for Shoulders
Shoulder Shrug
A. Slowly bring shoulders up to the ears and hold for approx 3-5 seconds
B. Rotate shoulders back and hold for approx 3-5 seconds
C. Relax!! – Drop them down!
D. Repeat 5-10 times
Relaxing - First Set :
1. Raise your shoulders up to your ears and hold their for 5 seconds
2. Release to normal position
3. Repeat this for 4-5 times
Relaxing - Second Set:
1. Rotate your shoulders in forward direction slowly for five times.
2. Do the above for 4-5 times.
3. Follow the same for backward direction as well.
Executive Stretch
A. While sitting, lock hands behind head
B. Bring elbows back as far as possible
C. Inhale deeply while leaning back and stretching
D. Hold for 10-20 seconds
E. Exhale and relax
Exercise for Wrist
1. Rotating the wrist in clockwise direction 10-15 times
2. Repeat the same in counterclockwise direction
Wrist Stretch
A. Hold arm straight out in front of you
B. Pull the hand backwards with the other hand, then pull downward
C. Hold for 10-20 seconds
D. Relax!!!
E. Repeat 3-5 times each
Exercise for Arms
1. Stretch your arms in front of you, with fingers interlaced and palm facing away from you.
2. Hold this for few seconds
3. Relax
4. Repeat 3-5 times.
Exercise for Hands
Hand Shake
A. While sitting, drop arms to the side
B. Shake hands downward gently
C. Repeat frequently
Finger Massage (Note: Perform very gently!)
A. Massage fingers of each hand individually, slowly, and gently
B. Move toward nail gently
C. Massage space between fingers
D. Perform daily
Exercise for relaxing your back
1. On your chair / standing, bend down, with head relaxed
2. Hold for 3-5 seconds
3. Relax!!
4. Repeat 3-5 times.
Exercise for foot
Foot Rotation
A. While sitting, slowly rotate each foot from the ankle
B. Rotate 3 times in one direction, then 3 times in the opposite direction
C. Relax
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Baseline Data Surveys
- Classroom Teacher
- DI Facilitator
- Classroom Students
- Student Parents
To view the Teacher baseline data survey click here.
Classroom teacher baseline data is collected through an online survey (5 pt Likert scale) focusing on the following questions.
Project questions connected to collection of teacher baseline data:
Pedagogical Approaches:
- How is new media literacy incorporated into teaching?
- How does digital teaching influence curriculum, instruction and assessment?
- How does authentic assessment look in a 1:1 computing environment?
- How does the learning environment change as a result of 1:1 computing? Unconditional Internet access?
- How does collaboration change through a 1:1 learning environment (student-student, student-teacher, parent-teacher, parent-student)?
- How does the design and setup of a 1:1 classroom's physical space affect teaching/facilitating?
- How does access to technology tools and resources (netbooks, digital camera, scanners, smartboard, flip videos, etc.) alter the learning environment?
- How does the flexible 1:1 learning environment evolve throughout the project?
- How does the learning environment change based on student needs and input?
- How can a 1:1 learning environment be designed to expand outside the classroom walls to include parents/guardians, collaborative group work and other resources?
Pedagogical Approaches:
- I have a good understanding of new media literacy. (NML incorporated into teaching)
- I understand how to incorporate new media into a learning environment. (NML incorporated into teaching)
- I have designed lessons where outcomes are met through the use of new media.(NML incorporated into teaching)
- I believe that I authentically use new media within my instruction to teach curriculum.(digital teaching influence)
- I believe that my current assessment methods will change as a result of the1:1 learning environment.(digital teaching influence)
- I have changed ways in which I assess students as a result of the 1:1 learning environment.
- I have changed ways in which I assess students as a result of being able to incorporate new media.
- Assessment in my classroom has changed as a result of having access to netbooks all the time.
- I am more organized as a result of teaching in a 1:1 learning environment.
- Planning lessons for a 1:1 learning environment is more time consuming.
- I see my role as a teacher to transmit knowledge.
- I see my role as a teacher to facilitate learning.
- During my class most of my time is spent in front of my class teaching.
- During my class most of my time is spent assisting students.
- I believe instructional design is an important part of lesson planning.
- I spend a great deal more time designing my instruction for a 1:1 learning environment.
- Differentiated instruction in a 1:1 learning environment can be incorporated more often than in a traditional classroom.
- Differentiated instruction in a 1:1 learning environment can meet the needs of more students more often.
- The multi-modal aspect of new media allows for differentiated instruction to occur in a classroom authentically.
- Before teaching in this environment, I designed auditory instruction into my lessons.
- I currently design auditory instruction into my lessons.
- Before teaching in this environment, I designed video instruction into my lessons.
- I currently design video instruction into my lessons.
- Guest speakers have connected with the class through tools like Skype.
- Students in the 1:1 learning environment have collaborated with students from other locations through tools like Skype.
- Before teaching in this environment, I used a classroom Wiki. (incorporated into teaching)
- I currently use a classroom Wiki.
- Before teaching in this environment, I used online discussion forums.
- I currently use online discussion forums with my students.
- Before teaching in this environment, I used Moodle.
- I currently use Moodle for designing and organizing instruction.
- Before teaching in this environment, I used blogs with students.
- I currently use blogs with students in my classroom.
- Before teaching in this environment, I personally blogged.
- I blog for professional purposes.
- I blog for personal purposes.
- Students in the 1:1 learning environment use Google Apps regularly.
- A 1:1 learning environment allow students greater opportunity to interact with and manipulate information compared to a traditional classroom environment.
- I believe that a traditional classroom authentically allows for all student learning styles to be met.
- I believe that a 1:1 learning environment authentically allows for all student learning styles to be met.
- Most of the assessment in the 1:1 learning environment is summative.
- Most of the assessment in the 1:1 learning environment is formative.
- Assessment in the 1:1 learning environment is equally summative and formative.
- The physical space of a 1:1 learning environment looks similar to a traditional classroom.
- Tables setup as pods are conducive to a 1:1 learning environment.
- Traditional desks are conducive to a 1:1 learning environment.
- Flexibility is an important characteristic of a 1:1 learning environment.
- Students in a 1:1 learning environment are able to more freely move around the classroom.
- A teacher beginning to teach in a 1:1 learning environment must be open to making changes to their teaching environment.
- I am comfortable teaching in a 1:1 learning environment.
- Dedicated digital access in my classroom has increased my ability to provide authentic learning for my students.
- Students are allowed to regularly use equipment like digital cameras, Flips, and scanners in this 1:1 learning environment.
- Changes have been made to the physical setup of the 1:1 learning environment as a result of student requests.
- I continue to alter the physical space of the 1:1 learning environment as I gain experience in this environment.
- I have made changes to the physical setup of the 1:1 learning environment as a result of student needs.
- The 1:1 learning environment includes online methods for parents to connect/collaborate with the classroom.
- The 1:1 learning environment provides the ability for online guests to connect/collaborate with the classroom.
- The 1:1 learning environment allows for class participants to collaborate with other students from a distance.
To view the DIF baseline data survey click here.
DIF. baseline data is collected through an online survey (5 pt Likert scale) focusing on many of the the same project related goals and questions as the classroom teacher. An area of data collection we want to capture with the D.I.F is their increase skill and knowledge and if this helped to build capacity within their school.
To view the Classroom Student baseline data survey click here.
Student baseline data is collected through the Grade 5 Technology Rating Scale and through an online survey (5 pt. Likert scale) relating to the following project questions.
Project questions connected to collection of student baseline data:
Pedagogical Approaches:
- How is student independence, engagement, excitement about learning, quality of work and perception of school affected through new media literacy?
- What effect(s) does new media literacy have on student learning (average, gifted and high needs students)?
- How does the learning environment change as a result of 1:1 computing? Unconditional Internet access?
- How does collaboration change through a 1:1 learning environment (student-student, student-teacher, parent-teacher, parent-student)?
- How does the design and setup of physical learning space affect student learning?
- How does access to technology tools and resources (netbooks, digital camera, scanners, smartboard, flip videos, etc.) alter the learning environment?
- How does the flexible 1:1 learning environment evolve throughout the project?
- How does the learning environment change based on student needs and input?
Pedagogical Approaches:
- I believe that I am able to work more independently (without assistance) when using a netbook in my classroom compared to a classroom without a netbook. (independence)
- My teacher has more time to help students in our 1:1 computer classroom compared to other classes I have been in. (engagement, perception)
- I feel more engaged in a classroom using tools and resources like netbooks, Wikis, Moodle, online discussions and online calendars.(engagement)
- I am excited to participate in the 1:1 computer classroom. (excitement)
- I believe I will be able to learn in a 1:1 computer classroom. (perception)
- I believe I will be able to create projects of the same or even better quality in a 1:1 computer classroom compared to a traditional classroom.(quality of work)
- Video and audio instructions make it easier for me to understand what to do for class activities.(effect of NML)
- If given a choice I prefer to use video and audio instructions, for class activities, opposed to text based instructions. (effect of NML)
- The 1:1 computer classroom allows me to learn using my multiple intelligence learning strengths. (learning environment change)
- I believe I would be able to meet the same or better levels of learning in a traditional classroom as the 1:1 computer classroom.(learning environment change)
- Discussion forums are a good way for me to share my thoughts and ideas with my teacher and classmates.(Collaboration - student to teacher)
- I work more with other students in a 1:1 computer classroom than in traditional classrooms.(Collaboration - student to student)
- I have seen my parent(s) or guardian(s) interest in my school increase since I entered the 1:1 computer classroom.(Collaboration - parent)
- My parent(s) or guardian(s) has gone onto my classroom Wiki or Moodle to better understand what I am doing in my 1:1 computer class.(parent)
- I am comfortable with the design and setup (tables, lights) of the 1:1 computer classroom compared to traditional classrooms.(physical space)
- I make use of tools like digital cameras, scanners, voice recorders or Flip video cameras whenever I can because they help my learning style.(tools alter the learning environment)
- I believe unlimited access to the Internet in my classroom allows me to experience and see resources not normally provided in a traditional classroom.(access to technology)
- Since the start of school, I have seen the 1:1 classroom physically change in appearance.(evolve)
- I have seen changes to this classroom based on student input.(change -student input)
- I have been able to collaborate with people from outside my classroom walls in which I would not have been able to without the use of technology.(expand outside classroom walls)
- I use the class Wiki and Moodle from home to complete class activities. (expand outside classroom walls)
- Sharon - The 1:1 computer classroom environment makes me feel like I have more choices in the way I learn.
- Sharon - I believe that I am on task more often in the 1:1 classroom environment than in traditional classrooms.
- Sharon - I believe that others are on task more often in the 1:1 classroom environment than in traditional classrooms.
Project questions connected to collection of parent baseline data:
Pedagogical Approaches:
- How is student independence, engagement, excitement about learning, quality of work and perception of school affected through new media literacy?
- How is parental classroom/school involvement and perception of school affected through the use of new media literacy?
- How does collaboration change through a 1:1 learning environment (student-student, student-teacher, parent-teacher, parent-student)?
- How can a 1:1 learning environment be designed to expand outside the classroom walls to include parents/guardians, collaborative group work and other resources?
Baseline data questions areas have organized around the following high level groupings.
- Influence on Personal Computer Access & Skill Level:
- My child and I have access to a computer connected to the Internet at home.
- I understand computer related terms such as multimedia, Moodle, Wiki and Blog.
- My personal computer skills/knowledge increased as a result of my child participating in the Maude Burke 1:1 Digital Literacy Project.
- Personal Perception:
- I believe my child will benefit from the experience of a 1:1 computer environment.
- I believe my child will be able to function effectively in a 1:1 computer environment.
- My child will be able to learn new skills and be better prepared for the future in a 1:1 computing environment.
- Personally, I am in favor of my child participating in a 1:1 computing classroom environment.
- Understanding of Curriculum and Classroom Activities:
- I have accessed Mrs. Kezema's grade 5 classroom wiki to view homework, discussions or course work going on in the classroom.
- As a result of access to a web-based classroom wiki, I believe that I have a better understanding as to what is going on in my child's classroom.
- As a result of access to my child's online courses and activities, I believe that I have a better understanding as to what is going on in the classroom.
- Involvement and Connectedness:
- Access to Mrs. Kezema's classroom wiki and courses has increased my ability to help my child with his/her. homework.
- Through online resources such as email and discussion areas, I have been able to better communicate with my child's teacher.
- The various online tools, provided in this classroom environment, has increased my feeling of being connected to my child's classroom.
- Attaining Curriculum through Technology:
- I believe a 1:1 computer environment will provide as much, and possibly more opportunities for my child to learn.
- I believe curriculum outcomes can be attained through a 1:1 computer environment.
- A 1:1 computing environment will provide a more rich context to learn necessary skills for 21st century learners.
- School Culture/Environment:
- I believe the physical layout of the 1:1 classroom environment benefits/supports my child's learning styles.
- Jaya (2010). how to interpret likert scale data for correlation analysis. Methodspace - discussion forum. Accesses September 25, 2010 from:
- Parnaby, P. (2007). Evaluation through Surveys. Journal of Interaction Recipes, 1:1 2007. Accessed September 25, 2010 from:
- San Diego State University College of Education, (ND). How to design and report Likert Scale. Accessed September 25, 2010 from:
- Smith, M. (ND). Efficacy of Web-Enhancement on Student Technology Skills. Accessed September 25, 2010 from:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Why a One-to-One Environment
In an article titled, Going One-to-One (Warschauer, 2006), five reasons are provided for starting a one-to-one laptop program.
- 21st century learning skills. It is explained that this is one of the most important reasons for a 1:1 environment and that it facilitates the kinds of learning, thinking and analysis required for the 21st century.
- Greater engagement through mulitmedia. Multi-media is everywhere and a huge part of our students' everyday lives. Multi-media authentically incorporated into a classroom environment allows for higher levels of student engagement. Students envolved in 1:1 computing environments are identified as producing and interpreting multimodal content.
- More and better writing. Students in 1:1 computing environments write much more than traditional environments. Revisions to their writing is easier and therefore done more often. Documents are more accessible to teachers to provide feedback to students.
- Deeper Learning. Students are provided multiple ways to access material and complete activities leading to further and deeper learning. Many 1:1 schools report increased emphasis on in-depth student research.
- Easier integration of technology into instruction. Teachers are excited for the way 1:1 environments helped them authentically integrate technology into instruction. Students in 1:1 environments gain a higher degree of technology skills allowing teachers to focus on content and less on technical aspects.
The research paper identifies, it is believed that technology can be used to:
- expose students to a wide range of academic language
- provide scaffolding so that students can comprehend challenging and interesting texts
- engage students in text-based simulations that spark their interests and motivate their learning
- provide a wide range of tools for analyzing texts
- brain-storming their ideas
- orgainzing their thoughts
- writing
- peer editing
- publishing their work
Monday, September 27, 2010
One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers
One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers
Friday, September 24, 2010
From the desk of the Principal :)
I am in a very unique position in that not only am I the administrator at the school, but also a parent of a student in this classroom. As a result, I get the perspective from that of a parent, and an educator. This is very exciting and insightful in many ways.
As an administrator, I am excited to share some of my observations.....first off, it is clearly evident and re-affirming that the key to any classroom is in the instruction. Bev is so thoroughly planned, prepared, has set the ground rules of a safe, caring and respectful classroom, and is now merely using a tool - the technology - to meet the needs of the curriculum and the students. The old saying of building it and they will come is not the case in the classroom.....the students will be there, but whether or not their learning is authentic or not is another story. Bev has ensured that her students are getting a top notch education through her dedicated work ethic and has not just taken the role that we have netbooks so the kids will learn technology!
During one of my visits, many things popped out at me...first off, I had to count again to make sure that my numbers were correct. Yes, all 27 of the students where there....but there was no fooling around, no off task behavior, no going to sites that were not allowed, etc. Rather, there were 27 engaged students, and two in particular stood out to me as this was not common for them. I soon caught on that the teacher had incorporated DI strategies such as anchoring activities right off of her wiki . What a great way to ensure maximum use of instructional time!
Bev has organized her daily planner, has students blogging on real life questions that have them thinking at a deeper level and much, much more. It is funny when my blackberry starts buzzing at 8pm and I see there are new posts from students blogging about items such as grammar, how to prepare for sub teachers and so on! These kids are hooked!
As a parent, my child came home at the start of the year and was very excited about this opportunity. She was also very excited about her new teacher and told her grandma in early July that she was ready to go back to school because Mrs. Kezema was her teacher. So to say the least, the child enjoys school, but this opportunity increased her desire even more. She has her own netbook at home and has shown that she is fairly literate for her age, but I have seen her level grow, but interestingly in a more creative way. I see her moving from games in the evening to communicating via the blogs, adding to a homework assignment, using the apps such as collage makers that they are using in class so that she is more prepared on how to use it, etc. This is really neat and in my mind a great way to occupy her mind as the thinking part is much deeper than it is on facebook, petroptica and so on!
I can see that my daughter and the other students have moved from the excitement of hey we have laptops yahoo!!! to a level in which they do not even realize that they are in a different learning environment than other classrooms. They now see the netbooks as a way of learning, a mere tool to help them in their work. The netbook is no longer a toy/fad/etc, but rather a tool that allows them to do their job as a student. A tool that has engaged students that previously were not engaged. A tool that is available to us, but has not been utilized authentically as it was intended to be!
It has also been amazing to see the collegial work that has been taking place between Bev and Sharon, in addition to Bev, Kirk, Sharon and Rob. The network is strong as is the planning and roll out of all pieces. I can see that we are building capacity in Bev with DI and technology. With Sharon in regards to technology. Both of these areas will greatly benefit our teachers as they will ehance their strong instructional leadership skills within the school! I can see that Kirk and Rob are also building capacity in what they see and believe in terms of digital learning and they have the ability to network this as leaders throughout the division. I truly believe that this project will provide us with a future of capacity to grow our division's teachers with the true benefit going to our students!
In closing, I must also admit how amazed I am with our infrastructure. I cannot believe that things are running so well from an IT perspective! We are basically glitch free!
Until next time.
I thought that was interesting.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Arranging For Our First Substitute Teacher
I am going to a conference Thursday and Friday and I am writing up a plan for Mr. DelScheider, your substitute teacher. I am wondering if you have some ideas of things I should tell him about our class that will help everyone have a good two days. What does a substitute teacher need to know to come into our digital classroom? I can't wait to hear your ideas!!Through my quick analysis...the number one response by students was to let him know that they use net-books and the second was that they could teach him about the net-books. To view the entire discussion click here.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Occupational Therapist
It will be interesting to see if the students heed her advice and improve their posture while sitting at a desk and working with the netbooks. More to follow.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Application for Creating Collages
The first collage application we are testing is called Shape Collage 2.5.2. Reviews of Shape Collage identify it as easy use and provides professional results (CNET, 2010). Downloading this app should (and was) be quick as it is only 533.42 K. This app is free to try however a watermark is placed on the collage. To remove the watermark it costs $25.00 to purchase. The watermark placed on the collage is very small (as shown in the example below).
To learn more about Shape Collage...view the following video.
The second collage application we are testing is Photovisi. This is a web-based tool, allowing the creation of online collages. A wonderful review of this application was done by the Zath UK Tech here to read the review. The following collage is a collage I created and downloaded using Photovisi.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Project Data Collection
We had the opportunity to chat and it lead us to discussing data collection. We discussed the importance of baseline data for the project relating to some of the following items:
- how baseline data can be captured for project research questions.
- possibility of using Wufoo for online surveys
- collect data on 1:1 computing classroom evolution through video, pictures and text. This can be done at the beginning, middle and end of year.
- possibly setting up Google Analytics to data on classroom Wikis, blogs and LMS (Moodle)
- provide survey to parents at beginning parent meeting. Then possibly survey parents at the middle and end of year.
- provide survey to students at beginning, middle and end of year.
Second, I believe we will use both quantitative and qualitative research methods (mixed methods approach) to collect data for the project. Quantitative data, consisting of mostly numerical data (Neill, 2007), will be collected through the analysis of surveys and questionnaires completed by the target population. Qualitative data, consisting of non numerical information (Trochim, 2006), will be captured through in-depth interviews, direct observation and written documents (blogs, wikis).
I invite any additional thoughts relating to data collection. A post I will be creating in the near future will deal with direct survey questions and other data collection related to the project goals and questions.
Resources for this post:
- Neill, J. (2007). Qualitative versus Quantitative Research: Key Points in a Classic Debate. Retrieved September 10, 2010 from:
- Trochim, W. (2006). Qualitative Data. Research Methods Knowledge Base. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from:
Monday, September 6, 2010
Is there a place for informal "text" language in the classroom?
Texting refers to the use of abbreviations and other techniques to craft SMS and instant messages. Texting does not always follow the standard rules of English grammar, nor usual word spellings. It is so pervasive that some regard it as an emergent language register in it's own right. This is largely due to the proliferation of mobile phones as well as internet-based instantTo date, texting has provoked a negative response from teachers, parents and language experts. Teachers and parents have blamed texting for the corruption of language and the degradation in spelling in youth writing (Vosloo, 2009). Despite the view that texting is responsible for linguistic deterioration, there is research recognizing the positive side of texting to provide, phonetic abbreviation, phonological and orthographic awareness (Plester, Wood & Joshi, 2009), abbreviation usage (Leake, 2008), economic, inventive and playful writing (Crystal, 2008) and experimental letter-sound correspondence (Wood, Plester & Bowyer, 2008).
messaging (IM) (Vosloo, 2009).
The event which led us to want to better understand informal language in the classroom involves an online discussion area where students provide responses to a teacher initiated question. The online discussion area appeared to spark one particular student to write. I was told by the DI facilitator and classroom teacher that, in the past, using traditional writing methods, this student would not write more than one sentence. In one experience I walked into the classroom where the student was calling me over to their table, wanting me to see what was on his/her netbook. The student expressed to me that he/she wrote seven sentences in response to the teacher's question posted on the discussion area of the classroom wiki. The student then enthusiastically expressed to me that they have never written this much in the past. As I stood looking at what the student wrote, the student asked how to spell a specific word. After I told the student the correct spelling of the word, the student fixed the misspelled word in his/her post. After sharing my experience with both the classroom teacher and DI facilitator, they told me that they have both experienced this student asking them how to spell specific words when writing a discussion post in the classroom wiki.
This experience has raised some questions for the project team including:
- What has sparked this student to write more than previous times? Could it be related to netbooks vs. paper or typing vs. handwriting?
- What is the online environment providing which encourages the student to write? Could it be related to comfort level, expectations, ability for students to write in a more informal (texting) language vs. more traditional formal writing?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ethical Uses of Digital Learning Spaces
The discussion began as a result of one of the team members questioning spelling and grammar expectations in our digital learning environments. The question was asked, should we not be requesting proper spelling in the Wikis and LMS (Moodle) being used in the classroom?
As a result of the question, expectations of the two digital learning environments were divided into Informal and Formal digital learning environments (DLE). Wikis fit into the informal DLEs and Moodle fits into formal DLEs.
Digital Learning Environment Expectations:
- Informal (Wikis) - Thoughtful responses are key. Informal discussion acceptable. Punctuation and spelling is less important.
- Formal (Moodle) - Thought and grammar are equally important. Used with subject areas. Rules or expectations for assignments being handed in (ex. no assignments handed in with red lines (spelling errors)).
Information Overload
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Out of "Snooping Around" comes TEAL classroom setup approach
The TEAL project, originating at MIT, attempts to incorporate "active engagement" (iCampus, 2001) methods through reconstructed classrooms incorporating high-tech communications equipment, desktop experiments and seating arrangements to encourage students to take more active roles in the learning process (Brehm, 2001). Professor John Belcher identifies classrooms have been revamped, "centered on an active-learning approach in a highly collaborative, hands-on environment with extensive use of desktop experiments and educational technology (Brehm, 2001).
"The way we are doing this is to lecture a little bit, do problem solving, and do experiments. It's all continuous, it's all in context. And that's a much better way to teach concepts-some theory, then integrated experiments. A big part of this is putting the hands-on stuff back in." — Prof. John Belcher
The restructured TEAL studio classrooms appear to consist of both pedagogical and physical innovations. Thomas Magnanti (MIT Dean of Engineering) believes the redesigned classroom encourages innovative pedagogy, permitting teaching and learning to occur in exciting new ways (Brehm, 2001). The physical classroom contains a centralized instructor's workstation, laptop computers, projection equipment, round tables, and wireless microphone. The revamped classroom environment helps to meet the goal of TEAL which is to, "engage students more fully and help spark student's fascination with the subject matter" (iCampus, 2001).
An article titled, "Classroom Desk Arrangement Ideas" (Lewis, 2010), discusses how classroom arrangement choices reflect teacher's goals and philosophy. How desks are arranged in a classroom indicate what you want to accomplish, and how you want students to interact and learn. Classic Rows are used in traditional classroom environments with "traditional teacher-centric lessons" (Lewis, 2010). Cooperative Clusters allow for students to work cooperatively through groups based on student personality and work style. Horseshoe or U-Shape forces students to face forward for instruction while facilitating whole group discussion. Full Circle encourages collaboration through sharing ideas and providing feedback. A final tip in the article by Lewis, encourages teachers to keep their desk arrangement fluid, functional and creative. Different arrangements may be necessary for different groups of students. If one arrangement isn't working, don't be afraid to change it.
Post Resources:
- Brehm, 2001. New classrooms offer high-tech education in physics, mechanical engineering.
- Lewis, 2010. Classroom Desk Arrangement Ideas.
Classroom Architect
Monday, June 14, 2010
Snooping Around!
I was particularly interested in the Bloom's Taxonomy of Digital Classroom tools. I can definitely see myself using this as I plan lessons in the different subject areas.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Project Update as of June 2010
An initial meeting was conducted with the Digital Learning Coordinator (Thad) and Consultants (Robert and Kirk) on May 11, 2010 to discuss the Maude Burke 1:1 Digital Literacy Project and how it can be framed within the NESD Rubric and system goals. This meeting covered topics including: (to see the meeting notes through Google Docs, click here.)
- Infrastructure
- Classroom setup and design
- Classroom policies
- Training and PD
- Project data collection
- Presentation of findings
- Aligning project with systemic goals
- Parental communication
- Project overview
- Project division goal alignment
- Group norm exercise
- Project team collaboration and data collection
- Classroom design and setup
- PD for team members
- Project research questions
- Potential conference presentations
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Welcome to the Maude Burke 1:1 Digital Infusion Project Blog
The classroom teacher will be maintaining a separate project blog that can be access in the Project Related Link section of this blog. The Maude Burke 1:1 Digital Infusion Project Wiki is link is also available in the Project Related links section of this blog.